nst’s brand message “There are no shortcuts” centers around the concept that success requires hard work and consistency. There is no easy way to get ahead in life, and that nothing worth having comes without doing the work. Get after the hard session and ‘look for work’ in the small things - that’s what the people in our community are all about.
But, in order to use this mindset, you first have to get clear on what actually is worth doing? What you should go for? What you are passionate about? What gives purpose to your life? And is it contributing to the people around you?
The answer to those questions can be found by looking for your “ikigai”. A Japanese word, roughly translated, “Iki” meaning Life, and “Gai” meaning purpose. Ikigai is your reason for being, it’s your purpose, and it’s your passion.
The purpose for us outside of designing programming and providing coaching that helps you achieve your goals, is to inspire you and motivate you to become a better version of yourself. We aim to do so by building campaigns around purposeful concepts and stories that our community can resonate with.
Ikigai is different to our previous campaigns, “Project Lyon” and “Project Italy”, not centered around an event or specific athletes stories, but instead a concept - in this case a concept around purpose and meaning.
You might not be familiar with the term Ikigai, but you are with the principles - Most successful brands in sports may not directly reference the term Ikigai in their campaigns, but they all incorporate the principles of finding purpose and passion into their messaging.
To be less broad and get more specific, we are going center our campaign around one of the 4 key components of Ikigai - Passion. Passion is the fundamental thing behind why you do what you do, and how you do it. Passion drives you to push your boundaries, Passion fuels the discipline to keep showing up. Passion encourages us to do the small things that make a big difference.
100% Organic Cotten
Fit: Unisex - Oversize
Female Model use Small: Hight 170cm.
Male Model use Medium: Hight 180cm.
The Office is at the Crossfit Games, there will be some delay in the delivery.